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Letter to and reply from Desmond Lakey — Senior Manager: Kleinmond Administration, Overstrand Municipality

At the last Ward Committee meeting we were asked to give a list of items to be considered for the forthcoming budget planning exercise.

Attached [Ed: below] is a list of the requirements in Bettys Bay as determined by our residents and we would appreciate your passing it on to the relevant department.

You will note from the list that we would like to be included in the planning stage of the budget.

[Ed: Appended from another email:] Further to the budget requirements attached which we previously sent to you we would like to add to the Ward Specific Projects our support for the construction of the Pringle Bay Fire Station.

Adrian de Kock
Vice-Chairman & Treasurer – Bettys Bay Ratepayers Association
Ward 10 Committee Member



Items for inclusion in the budget for the Bettys Bay area

In terms of instructions received at the August Ward Committee meeting the following items we consider essential for inclusion in the 2015/16 budget deliberations in respect of the Bettys Bay area.

  1. Gravel Road Maintenance
  2. Storm Water Channels & Drainage Pipes
  3. Potable Water Pipe Replacement
  4. Otter Close Bridge
  5. Visible Law Enforcement  
  6. Beach Parking – Main Beach
  7. Disabled Access – Main Beach & Silversands Boardwalk
  8. Bass Lake  Boardwalk
  9. Industrial Refuse Bins – Bettys Bay Collection Point

Gravel Road Maintenance

The gravel roads in Bettys Bay are in a disgusting state and have been deteriorating over the past few years at an alarming rate. This is causing much frustration amongst residents, damage to motor vehicles and quite frankly are a danger in that motorists are forced to move from side to side of the roads to avoid the potholes. The past seasons failure to complete the biannual maintenance program through lack of funds is unacceptable and sufficient funds must be made available to maintain the roads at an acceptable level on an ongoing basis.Furthermore a planned program of tarring roads needs to be implemented with particular reference to the main thoroughfares. In the long term this is the more cost efficient option.

Storm Water Channels & Drainage Pipes

The lack of maintenance on an ongoing basis to the current storm water channels causes flooding of roads and properties besides the damage to roads caused by the failure to divert storm water in an acceptable manner towards the sea. This issue needs to be addressed with some urgency at an escalating rate in conjunction with the roads maintenance program.

Potable Water Pipe Replacement

Whilst we appreciate that this issue is being addressed we feel that the rate of replacement needs to be stepped up because of the continued pipe breaks being experienced in our area at an increased rate. As the current old pipes get older and older this problem will escalate. From a recent presentation of your relevant department and the contractors it was established that with the current rate of replacement the replacement program will take another 60 years. The contractors further advise that the life span of the new pipes is also about 60 years so on that basis this is an ongoing saga without end.

Otter Close Bridge

There has over the past few years been no definitive plan and associated budget allocated to construct a bridge which will withstand the ongoing assault of the annual storms. This bridge has been washed away on a number of occasions in recent times and it is time that a concerted effort is made to address this issue.

Visible Law Enforcement

There is a virtual complete lack of visible Law Enforcement personnel in Bettys Bay. This is particularly noticeable during the holiday season when much  attention is given to Kleinmond and Hermanus with the Hangklip area being treated as poor cousins. An examination of the periodic lists provided in respect of action taken by these personnel in the area proves that attention is not given to enforcing the Municipal By Laws to an effective and acceptable standard.

Beach Parking – Main Beach

The state of the main beach parking is atrocious with the area covered in pot holes, being ever reduced in size through the dumping of sand and gravel, the annual flooding and is a very poor advertisement for those holiday makers visiting our area.

Disabled Access - Main Beach & Silversands Boardwalk

This problem has been under discussion for a considerable time with no action being taken. What is happening? It is apparent that there is a complete lack of consideration for those wishing to visit our beaches who through physical disabilities are unable to do so because of a lack of suitable facilities to assist them in this regard.

Bass Lake Boardwalk

The boardwalk on the Kleinmond side of Bass Lake is moved each year by the rising waters during winter because the supporting poles are not long enough to prevent this happening. New longer support poles sufficiently anchored need to replace those that are inadequate to prevent this happening in the future.

Industrial Refuse Bins – Bettys Bay Collection Point

The present “trailer” should be scrapped and replaced with industrial refuse bins such as those in Pringle Bay. The trailer has no wheels and as such requires Municipal Officials to climb into the trailer to empty same which besides being inefficient is a danger to those staff both in the way of possible injury and additionally create a health hazard.

Bettys Bay does not ask for much in terms of service delivery from our Municipality but feel that we are treated as poor relations when it comes to delivery. The Overstrand Municipality makes much of their commitment to service delivery but items such as roads, storm water drainage, visible law enforcement and other areas mentioned above are in the opinion of residents equally classed as service areas and therefore should be given the necessary attention which they deserve. Additionally we would like to be included in the planning stage of the 2015/16 budget where we can give input in terms of the points raised which need attention in our area.

Adrian de Kock
Vice-Chairman & Treasurer
Bettys Bay Ratepayers Association & Ward 10 Committee Member
E-Mail – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell: 082 940 4619
7 September 2014

Reply from Desmon Lakey

I'll respond seriatim to your attached letter.

Gravel Road Maintenance - Our operational allocation for the maintenance of gravel roads for 2015/16 is R1 100 000.00. Of this amount R300 000.00 will be used for the hiring of machinery during October to simultaneously attend to the needs of Bettysbay and Pringlebay. R800 000.00 will be used for the purchasing of gravel.

This allocation is for the whole of the Hangklip area. No capital funding has been allocated.

Storm Water Channels & Drainage Pipe

 No capital funding has been allocated. Stormwater maintenance is done by our internal maintenance team.

Potable Water Pipe ReplacementI'll obtain the information regarding the spending on the annual pipe replacement for Bettysbay from our Infrastructure Directorate.

Otter Close Bridge No allocation for the upgrading of the bridge. I've also applied for funding to the 'Working for the Coast' project (Provincial Department) and is still awaiting their response.

Visible Law Enforcement

This item does not resort under ward specific projects. The request has been forwarded to the Directorate of Protection Services and visible law enforcement has been increased.

Beach Parking - Main BeachNo ward specific allocation has been awarded for the upgrading of the parking area. Our environmental department is currently engaged in the planning process for the rehabilitation of the parking area with their own funding.

Disabled Access - Main Beach & Silversands BoardwalkNo allocation. The project can only be implemented with a ward committee fund allocation.

Bass Lake BoardwalkNo allocation.

Industrial Refuse Bins - Bettys Bay Collection Point No allocation. Can only be realised with a ward committee fund allocation as it will be a small plant purchase.

I trust you find the above in order.

Desmond J Lakey
Senior Manager: Kleinmond
Overstrand Municipality
Senior Bestuurder: Kleinmond
Munisipaliteit Overstrand
T: 028 271 8413
C: 0824568026
F: 028 271 4100
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.